Kilpailu käydään kotilavalla 27.-29.7.2018.
Dear Friends,
This year the Tournament is sponsored by ELEIKO
Attached please find the regulations on the tournament. I hope that Your Club will take the opportunity to participate.
For the first time we will give three sets of ELEIKO weights for men and three sets of weights for women, for the first three clubs on a point system.
Again I look forward to see your clubs participating in this event.
Here is the link of the latest ELEIKO equipment for your information.
Kindest regards,
Paul Coffa MBE
General Secretary
Oceania Weightlifting Federation
Commonwealth Weightlifting Federation
ph: +687 467640 mobile: +61 457778900
email: owf@mls.nc or owf@bigpond.com
Lue kisaohje.
Tulokset sähköpostitettava 3.8. mennessä osoitteeseen:
email: owf@mls.nc tai owf@bigpond.com
Tulokset julkaistaan ja toimitetaan osallistuneille seuroille 10.8. mennessä . Näkyvät myös os. www.oceaniaweightlifting.com