Urheilu-uran lopettamissäännöt (13.2.2008)
Entinen ”Lopettaneiden urheilijoiden paluusääntö”. Tämä sääntö on voimassa 13.2.2008 alkaen.
1 § Soveltuvuus
Sääntöä sovelletaan vain, jos urheilija itse ilmoittaa lopettavansa. Urheilijan tippuminen testauspoolista SPNL:n, SUEK:n tai IWF:n toimesta ei johda em. ”karenssiin”.
2 § Ilmoitus lopettamisesta
IWF:n tai SUEK:n testauspooliin kuuluvan urheilijan tulee ilmoittaa urheilu-uran lopettamisesta ja mahdollisesta paluusta aina kirjallisesti SPNL:n toimistoon. Liiton toimisto välittää ilmoitukset välittömästi IWF:lle ja ADT:lle.
3 § Ilmoitus palaamisesta
Palaamisesta tulee ilmoittaa kirjallisesti liiton toimistoon.
3.1 § Paluun evääminen
Mikäli urheilija syyllistyy urheilu-uran lopettamisen ja paluuilmoituksen välisenä aikana dopingrikkomukseen voi SPNL jättää lisenssin myöntämättä.
4 § Karenssiaika
Paluuilmoituksen jälkeen (ilmoitus kirjataan vastaanotetuksi, kun lisenssi kuluvalle vuodelle on maksettu) em. urheilija voi seuraavan kuuden (6) kuukauden ajan osallistua muihin kilpailuihin Suomessa lukuun ottamatta Suomenmestaruus kilpailuja ja liiton nimeämiä Cup-kilpailuja.
Tänä kuuden kuukauden aikana eivät urheilijan kilpailuissa tekemät tulokset ole myöskään tilasto- ja ennätyskelpoisia (ts. ei voi tehdä Suomenennätystä eikä osallistua seurajoukkue tms. kilpailuihin). Tulokset kelpaavat kuitenkin ns. SM-näytöksi.
5 § Kansainväliset kilpailut
Kansainvälisten kilpailujen osalta sovelletaan IWF:n sääntöjä ja määräyksiä.
6 § Soveltuvat kohdat IWF:n Anti-Doping Policy
Anti-Doping Policy 2017 (pdf)
5.6 Athlete Whereabouts Information
5.6.1 IWF shall identify a Registered Testing Pool of those Athletes who are required to comply with the whereabouts requirements of Annex I to the International Standard for Testing and Investigations, and shall make available through ADAMS, a list which identifies those Athletes included in its Registered Testing Pool either by name or by clearly defined, specific criteria (see Appendix 3). IWF shall coordinate with National Anti-Doping Organizations the identification of such Athletes and the collection of their whereabouts information. IWF shall review and update as necessary its criteria for including Athletes in its Registered Testing Pool, and shall revise the membership of its Registered Testing Pool from time to time as appropriate in accordance with the set criteria. Athletes shall be noticed before they are included in a Registered Testing Pool and when they are removed from that pool. Each Athlete in the Registered Testing Pool shall do the following, in each case in accordance with Annex I to the International Standard for Testing and Investigations: (a) advise IWF of his/ her whereabouts on a quarterly basis; (b) update that information as necessary so that it remains accurate and complete at all times; and (c) make him/herself available for Testing at such whereabouts.
5.6.4 An Athlete who is not listed on the IWF’s Registered Testing Pool but wishes to participate in an IWF Event shall provide accurate and complete whereabouts information as set out at Annex I of the International Standard for Testing and Investigations for a period of at least two months prior to the IWF Event in question. An Athlete who does not comply with this provision is not eligible to compete at the IWF Event.
5.7 Retired Athletes Returning to Competition
5.7.1 An Athlete in IWF’s Registered Testing Pool who has given notice of retirement to IWF may not resume competing in IWF Calendar Events or National Events until he/she has given IWF written notice of his/her intent to resume competing and has made him/herself available for Testing for a period of six months before returning to Competition, including (if requested) complying with the whereabouts requirements of Annex I to the International Standard for Testing and Investigations. WADA, in consultation with IWF and the Athlete’s National Anti-Doping Organization, may grant an exemption to the six-month written notice rule where the strict application of that rule would be manifestly unfair to an Athlete. This decision may be appealed under Article 13. Any competitive results obtained in violation of this Article 5.7.1 shall be Disqualified.
5.7.2 If an Athlete retires from sport while subject to a period of Ineligibility, the Athlete shall not resume competing in IWF Calendar Events or National Events until the Athlete has given six months prior written notice (or notice equivalent to the period of Ineligibility remaining as of the date the Athlete retired, if that period was longer than six months) to IWF and to his/her National Anti-Doping Organization of his/her intent to resume competing and has made him/herself available for Testing for that notice period, including (if requested) complying with the whereabouts requirements of Annex I to the International Standard for Testing and Investigations.
5.7.3 In any event, any retired Athlete who wishes to return to Competition and intends to enter an IWF Event shall fulfil the requirements of Article 5.6.4 of this Anti-Doping Policy, without prejudice to any further obligations that the Athlete may have due to having retired while being in a Registered Testing Pool.