The Weightlifting Federation of Iceland hereby invites your country to compete in a team competition at
the Reykjavík International Games, to be held January 29th of 2023.
In the past, there have been 2 male and 2 female athletes of foreign countries that have participated, but
we want to include more international athletes, and strengthen our bonds simultaneously.
We are inviting all the countries in the NWF to participate in this first team competition, composed of 2
male and 2 female athletes. The combined points of each athlete in the team makes up total points that
will be used to calculate top 3 countries.
By changing to a team competition, we are hoping to increase our exposure as a sport, and hopefully have
it broadcasted on television in every country competing.
The Weightlifting federation of Iceland offers to pay for accommodation and transport, but flights will
need to be covered by each federation.
If you could be so kind as to let us know by the latest, November 7th, if your country will participate, it
would be greatly appreciated.
Lisätiedot: Antti Everi